Aluminium Piping |
V/S |
PPCH Piping |
No heavy duty tools or equipment required on site just pipe cutter and driling machine. simply cut pipe square & push into fittings |
Tools |
Heavy duty equipment required on site to fusion weld every joint. Also need electrical supply |
Thermal Expansion & contraction in the aluminium piping system is very less compare to any plastic pipes. |
Temperature & Resilience |
PPR Pipe is rigid and brittle. very high chance of failure at high temperatures / pressures due to high thermal expansion & contraction. |
Instant leak free connection made when pipe pushed into fitting. No deburring, no waiting for the cement to dry. Simple 'plug & play' system. |
Speed |
After pushing pipe into fitting, the joint has to be made with specialized machine on site to weld the plastics together. |
In case of mistake fittings is simply disconnected and reused with the right connection. |
Wastage |
Once joint is made, any mistakes require pipe to be cut and both fittings & pipe cannot be reused - wastage is often very high with PP-R jobs. |
Smooth glass like inner surface - minimal frictional loss. |
Frictional Loss |
PP-R pipes generally have a rough inner surface. |
Actual cost comparisons made on completed projects have shown that Aluminium Piping can often be cheaper due to less wastage, less failure costs etc. |
Final Cost |
PP-R appears cheaper on paper in a bill of materials comparison but often costs more due to wastage & especially costs of repairing failed joints. |
Once Aluminium System is pressure tested & has no leaks, the installation is complete & leaks free. |
Failure |
PP-R systems can leak after installation if the welding has not been good. This is not always detectable on site. |
Simple three step process - cut pipe, place & push into fitting - no special skills required. |
Skill |
User must learn the how to make sure the joint has been properly achieved. once jointed, no guarantee of no leakage unless pressure tested. |
Aluminium Piping is truly demountable and can be disconnected instantly for refurbishment or additions. |
Maintenance |
Non sympathetic to any maintenance. |