P. 135

Black    Yellow  Green                  O RINGS - XPRESS COPPER
                                     EPDM -    HNBR    FPM
                                   Tectite / XPress  Gas  Solar
                                                                   EPDM S100 O Ring for use with
                      Gases                                         XPress Copper fittings only  Temperature  Applications
                      Butane          x      P P P    P P P
                   Carbon dioxide (dry)  P P   P P P  P P P          XPress Copper Systems  -20 to 110˚C  Potable water,
                    Chloride (wet)    P        x      P P P                                          Heating, Cooling
                     Freon 12        P P     P P P     P P
                     Freon 21         x        x        x          SV100 Viton O Ring For use with
                     Freon 22       P P P      x        x           XPress Copper fittings only  Temperature  Applications
                     Freon 134a     P P P      •        x
                     Natural gas      x      P P P    P P P          XPress Copper Systems  -20 to 200˚C  Solar applications
                                                                                                        refer to
                     Methane          x      P P P    P P P                                          exposure table*
                     Propane          x      P P P    P P P
                    Oils and Fuels
                    ASTM No 1 oil     x      P P P    P P P
                                                                   O RINGS - XPRESS STAINLESS STEEL AND CARBON SYSTEMS
                    ASTM No 2 oil     x      P P P    P P P
                    ASTM No 3 oil     x      P P P    P P P        EPDM S100 O Ring for use with
                    ASTM fuel A       x      P P P    P P P         XPress Copper fittings only  Temperature  Applications
                    ASTM fuel B       x       P P     P P P
                    ASTM fuel C       x        P      P P P          XPress Stainless Systems  -35 to 135˚C  Potable water,
                     Diesel oil       x      P P P    P P P
                  Diesel oil + RME (10%)  x    x      P P P          XPress Carbon Systems  -35 to 135˚C  Heating, Cooling,
                  Mineral oil (low aromatic)  x  P P P  P P P                                          Sprinkler
                Hydraulic oils (petroleum base)  x  P P P  P P P
                    Lubricating oils  x      P P P    P P P        SV100 Viton O Ring for use with
                     Paraffin         x      P P P    P P P         XPress Stainless and Carbon    Temperature  Applications
                                                                        fittings only
                      Petrol          x       P P     P P P
                   Silicone oil/grease  P P P  P P P  P P P                             Solar applications    Solar applications
                                                                 XPress Carbon and Stainless Systems
                    Transformer oils  x      P P P    P P P             -20 to 200˚C       refer to     refer to
                    Vegetable oils    P      P P P    P P P                              exposure table*  exposure table*
                     Acetone        P P P      x        x
                     Benzene          x        x      P P P      *SOLAR EXPOSURE TABLE
                  Carbon tetrachloride  x      P      P P P
                   Dimethyl formamide  P P     P        x        Temperature  Durability
                    Ethyl acetate    P P       x        x
                   Methyl ethyl ketone  P P P  x        x                    Cumulative
                                                                   200˚C      exposure
                   Tetrachloroethylene  x      x      P P P
                                                                              20hrs/year    Pressure  Working condition
                     Toluene          x        x      P P P
                     Turpentine       x      P P P    P P P                  Cumulative                Normal
                      Xylene          x        x       P P         180˚C      exposure       3bar      operating
                                                                              60hrs/year               pressure
                    Ethylene glycol  P P P   P P P    P P P                  Cumulative                Maximum
                     Detergents     P P P    P P P    P P P        150˚C      exposure       10bar     working
                   Dioctyl phthalate  P P      x        x                    480hrs/year               pressure
                    Formaldehyde    P P P      P        x                     Normal                   Maximum
                 Hydrogen peroxide (90%)  P P   x      P P        90 - 130˚C  working        16bar      test
                   Phosphate esters  P P P     x        P                    temperature               pressure
                   Potassium nitrate  P P P  P P P    P P P
                                                                              Winter                   Maximum
                                                                    -20˚C                    16bar      surge
                               KEY TO MEDIA TABLE
                    P P P               Excellent – Recommended
                     P P              Good – Minor to moderate effects
                      P                Fair – Moderate to severe effects
                      x                 Poor – Not recommended
                      •                 Insufficient data available  For more details on O ring compatibility visit:
                  † Conditions Apply  Temperature or other limitation affecting polymer choice
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